What is a good thesis?

I have had it enough!! I gave 4 years of my life to this blood sucking PhD program in the Faculty of Law and the only thing I got in return is 100,000 words of rejection!

4 years back I enrolled in the PhD program at Monash University, Australia. With freelancing (as my side work) and living with my ignorant husband (who doesn’t give a shit), the faculty at my university has sucked me dry!! And after going through all their tests, the examiners have rendered my thesis as “bad”! I mean, WHAT?? I am a WRITER for Christ sake!! Did they even read my thesis? Anyways, I am stuck guys, I need approval or everything goes to trash. So, my question is, What do I have to do to Pass? How do I make my thesis “good”!

Posted in: PhD Thesis